Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Bronx

Welcome to this Bronx edition of the Demon's Lair !!! For those of you who have never been to E205 street, let me tell you it is very interesting. Allow me to enlighten you with a story. Picture me, that's right me, walking around E205 street by myself looking for the Bronx HS of Science. Now picture everyone else in that neighborhood looking at me walking around looking for the school as well. There were a few friendlys,however there were also a few not so friendlys. More the not so than so. After finally finding the HS and discovering all entrances were closed except a hidden one that I luckly found, I met with the gentlemen installing our lockers. Quickly doing a walkthrough and making what notes I had to, I was non-hesitant to get back on the D train and back to Manhattan. I sit now safely at my desk writing this and telling you ,you can keep the Bronx and everything about it.

Be careful leaving the Lair !!! You may end up in the Bronx !!!



Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Scumbags that promote animal violence !!!

Hello everyone and welcome to the Lair !!! I'm extremely fired up over this whole Michael Vick situation!!! For those of you who may live under a rock,he is now pleading guilty to federal charges of promoting dog fighting. This is one of the most cruel acts anyone can perform to an animal. Learning from the most recent Real Sports episode these people steal dogs from other people and tape its mouth shut and put it with a vicious dog so it can practice killing. This is only part of it. Some of the other torture tactics include beatings and starvation. Imagine someone doing that to your friend and companion. All kidding aside,everyone knows I hate people, but these animals just want our love and affection. To think ANYONE could do something of this nature is HORRIBLE !!!!!! We can only hope by catching this piece of shit,public figure, people will be more aware that this goes on and help put a stop to it. I know it will never be completely stopped,but if we all do our part,maybe we can help control it a little. I'm not a dog owner myself,but many of my friends and family have dogs and they can tell you,I love em. If people are so interested in watching things fight to the death, maybe we can get some of the degenerates that are in prison for life and have them fight to the death on pay -per-view. At least society will win something . And the dogs can just simply be man's best friend again !!!

If you see any animal haters on your way out of the Lair, please send them my way !!!
I have a special place for them !!!!!!
Later !!!


Monday, August 20, 2007

Madden Review

Welcome to the Lair !!! I hope everyone had a better weekend than I did !!! No need for details. There are more important things to discuss. This years Madden 08 is rediculous!!! Once again the people at EA Sports have outdone themselves. Although only playing about 5 games,it is nice to get the feel again. As always there is not much difference,but a few little things go a long way !!! I like the mini-drills also. they are good practice. I'm not quite sure when the tourny will be ,but all those interested should pay attention on this site for future info. In ending everyone should go out and get Madden 08 . FRANKIE DRUKS gives this one 2 Middle Fingers Up !!!
I also give 2 Middle Fingers Up to Girls this weekend !!! May it piss on you all week !!!

Watch your step leaving the Lair !!! I may push you !!!


Friday, August 17, 2007


Welcome back to the Lair !!! I would like to take a minute to tell you how great my co-workers are. After suffering for 11 years in that shithole i used to work at it is a great pleasure to work with real prfessionals. These people make going to work easy. I can't begin to tell you the laughter and joy we have throughout the day. My side of the floor is by far the best. We all work together as a team. It is really awesome that I fell into such a good posotion. ( thanks Ricky ) Although I'm not very good with computers, I have a lot of help from my neighbor Jess. She is my lifesaver. She has helped me more times in the past 2 months than I can count. I will always be in debt to her. ( in case you ever read this "THANKS JESS , YOU ARE THE BEST "). Of course everyone in the office is very helpful,it is a great thing that people actually want to see you succeed instead of fall on your face. Sharon is awesome too. She is not only my office mom,but she is my reason of sanity. I hope all of you feel the same about your jobs !!!

Though I'm sure you don't !!!

Have fun leaving the Lair !!! And get back to work !!!



Computers Suck !!!

Welcome to the Lair !!! Due to unfortunate circumstances, yours truely,was robbed of Madden Time last night! Due to the fact that computers blow donkey dick and the Mets bullpen with them, I could not stay up any later to play. So the review will have to wait till over the weekend. I hope all computers especially mine at work self implode and I hope someone shoots Mota !!! Please be careful leaving the Lair, a computer virus may trip you !!! Later !!!


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Madden Craze

As always welcome to the Lair !!!It is once again that time of year ! Yes friends its Madden Time !!!!! I personally purchased the game today. Not falling into the manic rush to the stores at midnight on monday. I own every single madden game from the very first one that came out in 1991. ( showing the age a little) Over the years this has become an amazing phenominon . From the first years I have always held a tournament . Each year provided a cash prize to the winner as well as a trophy. (which someone never gave back) ( thanks to whoever that may be) Anyway this year will be no different. Though no date has been set yet, it will definitely be on. We hope for as good an outing , if not better, than past years. In the great tradition of our childhood days, let the madden begin. This year is supposed to be the best one yet. I can't wait to play tonight after work !!! Tomorrow will bring a review. I'm sure I won't be disappointed !!!
That is all for now. Watch your step leaving the Lair !!! I don't have insurance !!!


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Short Skirts !!!

Welcome to the Lair ! This one is for the guys. We should all sit back and enjoy this beautiful weather we are having. Those of us fortunate enough to work in the city we have it even better.
These are the days of summer and being a single young male, WOW !!! what beautiful sights !!
I would like to give a very big thank you to all the girls who wear short skirts. I don't think you have any idea how happy it makes guys like me. Nothing quite says hello like upper thighs. Of course the shorter the better !!! Short skirts make that walk up the subway stairs that much more enjoyable too. They can turn a bad day into sudden bliss with just the blowing of a breeze.
So in ending,let us give thanks for the genius who came up with the idea of a short skirt. Let us buy that guy a drink and shake his hand. Thanks to him man can be happy again !!!

Watch your step leaving the Lair !!! After all there may be a skirt near by !!!



Monday, August 13, 2007

People Suck !!!

I would like to bitch a little , if I may, about people who don't normally take the bus !!! This morning I purposely took a later bus knowing the early one would be packed with standing room only. This worked out fine at first. I was the first one at the bus stop so I had first pick of seats. Now the problem begins : no open seats next to a chic. ( rule # 1 of a bus ride is never sit next to a dude ! ) After excepting my fate at least I had a seat. As the bus moved on it became more and more packed. Then the worst . . . A group of red-neck tourists get on by medievil times. Of course no seats left. Naturally, I end up with a giant red-neck ass in my face the whole way. This group of 7 clueless individuals was then oohing and awwing the whole ride in. When we finally reached port authority they then didn't know how to get off the bus or which way to go when they did. Standing around as if on an open prairie instead of a BUSY and HECTIC bus terminal. I finally got the momentum to blast on through the silly dressed,poorly hygened,out of place monsters so I could begin the rest of my quest to work. The moral of this story is this : If you don't know what to do on a bus, at least act like you do ! ! !

Update on Vinnie

Many things happened over the weekend,but nothing more important than the progress of young Vinnie. He is doing better and is having his elbow surgery today at 12 o clock. We all continue to pray for him and in time he will be fine.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

A giant step !!!

Let me start by welcoming you to Demon's Lair.Now to buisness.
I'm sure by this point everyone knows about Ricky's brother Vinnie. Well Vinnie is like my brother too. Seeing him yesterday in the condition he was in was almost unbareable. Today at 8 : 30 Vinnie goes for win # 1. He will be having surgery to fuse his second vertabre. Although this is no easy task this would be a giant step. The road to recovery will be long and painful for him,but with the help of his family and friends,and of course the doctors,this could lead to a great victory for him. So once again everyone say a prayer for Vinnie and let's hope everything works out for the best. We just want junior back to normal .

You are now leaving The Demon's Lair !!!