Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bad Idea !!!

Welcome back to the Lair !!! For those of you which may not have seen these yet, this is a picture of the new street compasses. Yes that's right another thing for idiots who can't read or speak english to get confused over. Allow me to fill you in. This is a painted on sticker the size of a manhole cover which is placed directly outside of subway exits throughout Manhattan. It is supposed to help people find their way to which they want to go. Telling you which direction surrounding streets are in. Although it seems like a good concept,the brain-dead stupid fucker didn't think about people coming to a complete stop at the top of the stairs at subway exits. Now instead of clueless idiots looking up and lost,they look down and ,lost... This now gives other confused morons a chance to stop in the middle of the sidewalk to look at this thing. This still does not help because the fucking foreigners still can't read english !!! So now after standing there causing pedestrian traffic these dumb fucks still ask someone where to go or what direction 6th ave is.... Fuck man !!!! nobody thinks these things through !!! I love this city and I know the people of decision are trying to make it easier for others,but why not make things easier for us Home Towners instead ??? You are talking about helping out people who sit and watch the Michael Jackson look alike for 20 minutes who have nothing better to do except get in everyone else's way who have things to do. This thing just spells out bad news and more traffic and hassle for those of us who like to be on the move all the time. I tell you this If they don't know where they are going maybe they shouldn't be here to begin with ........ So with that, grab you best tourist beating stick and follow me to the nearest sidewalk compass and let the beatings begin !!!
Enjoy your day !!!


A Close Call !!!

Hello everyone and welcome to the Lair !!! We had a close call in Lyndhurst last night. After I returned home from darts, I decided to make a slice of pizza in the toaster oven. As my drunk ass ate the first piece I put another slice in the oven only to pass out while it was cooking. When I awoke to what I thought was my alarm clock, I noticed this black smoke throughout the apartment. Yes the pizza was burning and smoking and the alarm was the fire alarm. Now I am still banged up and trying to get the battery out of the alarm. Tripping over the cats at first until they cowarded in the corner. I finally got the battery out and was able to clear most of the smoke away. The moral of the story is : Don't put food in the toaster oven if you are hammered and gonna pass out !!! Especially if it is cheese !!!
Stay dry today. Watch for umbrellas !!! And Fuck the french !!! And Fuck anonymous !!!


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Saying Goodbye To An Old Friend ...

Hello everyone and welcome to the Lair !!! On October 8 2007 I said goodbye to an old friend. My 2000 Chevy S10 and I parted ways after 7 long and some times tough years. This was not an easy decision to make. You see it was on this date a year ago I said goodbye to my first pet Demon,after 10 years." I LOVE YOU DEMON !!! "" Till we meet again " Sorry,.. it had to be done !!!... Anyway keeping that in mind it took some toughness of my own to do what had to be done. Over the past few years "the chevy ", as I loved to call her,had been having some health issues. Nothing major,but little things here and there. Not that I didn't add to it by smashing into a few things that jumped out at me. Oops !?!?! But none the less things were starting to happen. I especially noticed the auto pilot feature was not as keen as she once was. This too loomed in my thoughts @*@* Though we had many great times, like driving to Wildwood in the snow for new years !!! That was fun !!! Or on St. patty's day with Jack, by the Tavern,where there was no parking. The only reason we got a spot was because "the chevy " was a pickup and I fit her beautiful back end underneath a trailer that was parked on 30th street. Smooooth __.
I have to admit I drove her like she was many things. A sports car on the highway,a tank in the snow,and a speed boat in the rain... She was all in one. She was a tough chevy/because of which I never got hurt bad in any of those smashings I was involved in. Again she was it all !!! All that miledge was adding up though ,,, and things were starting to get worse for my poor chevy sweetheart ; ( ... As I pulled into the dealership,her back right blinker blew, "ouch" ,followed by the left,"double ouch " . I realized this could be the time ......

Please be mindful of the things dearest to you as you leave the Lair today !!! Several of the writers and readers in our close blog family have family members going through some things right now. Please keep them in your prayers as I keep them in mine... Thanks... From the heart !!!


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Short Break

Hello everyone and welcome to the Lair !!! To my fans or non fans who read this stuff I would like to appologize for the delay in writings... Yours truely has been very busy both at work and after. This has caused a lack of time. I have some new things and good news to talk about. And I will after a short break in the action. I need to find a little time for good old # 6. So please bare with me while I do some things. I shall return !!! I promise !!!


Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Hello everyone and welcome to this wet edition of the Lair !!! Today's topic is people who don't know how to use an umbrella. This may sound surprising to you,but you may not walk around Manhattan in the rain that often. Let me tell you people are fucking stupid !!! We have many different types of umbrellas. Many different sizes too. It is our job to know which one is meant for each individual. For example, short,fat people should buy larger umbrellas so it covers their entire obese body. This is greatly appreciated by everyone cause it also allows us not to see their eye raping masses as it oozes down the street. Now skinny people should be buying normal size umbrellas not the ones that can fit 3 persons underneath. The main problem with this is that they don't know how to walk with it. They blast into everyobody short or tall,either in the face or the arm or wherever. Plus they put it in front of their faces and can't see where they are going. Not neccessary !!! This also creates a problem for us "vertically challenged" persons. You see,the taller population forgets us shorter people are under them and when their umbrella drips it drips on ME !!! I now not only have to face the rain itself, which is trying to soak me,but tall fuckers with no umbrella ediquette too. Cut me some slack down here !!! Next are the gay fuckers who need an umbrella for the slightest bit of rain possible. I mean barely a mist,but these pussies are afraid they are gonna get wet. Let's go toughen up a little can ya !?!? I mean even the women aren't using one. There are a lot of people on these busy streets and on days when it rains,a lot of umbrellas too. People need to learn you can lift and lower your umbrella at will. It doesn't take a fucking degree in science to do. Just try and be a little curtious even if you get a drop on you here and there its OK you aren't gonna melt. Trust me from being around people all the time you are not that sweet. In fact people suck. Not quite as much as the french,which can go FUCK themselves,but yes my friends people suck !!!!!!
I hope this has enlightened you as to which umbrella is good for you. Just remember, you only have to cover yourself. Not the world... Please grab your umbrella guide on the way out of the Lair. And please try to stay dry...


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Thank You !!!

Hello everyone and welcome to the Lair !!! I hope those of you who had yesterday off enjoyed it as I did. Now down to buisness... Very importantly,yesterday marked the 1 year anniversary of the passing of Demon,my first real pet. She was the inspiration for this blog,hence the title !!! She is greatly missed and always remembered. I will always love her. R.I.P. Demon ... until we meet again ...
Ok second piece of buisness at hand... chics that stand people up !!! This was the third weekend in a row that yours truely was left waiting by the phone for someone to call !!! Not just someone but,yes you guessed it, a Chic. Listen I know people change their minds and rethink things sometimes,but if they don't have the guts to call and cancel at least they could send a text. Or hear is a different approach how about telling the truth from the begining ang just not making plans... It would appear that it is only the hot chics that do this !!! I guess they figure what is the difference they can pick who they want anyway !!! Well guess what ??? I'm hear to tell you that just because they are beautiful doesn't give them the right to treat other people like they don't matter. Just because people might be tough or seem tough on the outside doesn't mean that we don't have feelings on the inside !!!
This is just a little something to think about... We spend so much time looking at people on the outside,when maybe we should really start judging people how pretty they are by what they look like on the inside first !!!!!!
That is all I have to say about that.... So hear is a sweet thank you to those responsible... you have helped open my eyes !!!
Have a great day people !!! Have a safe trip out of the Lair !!!

And of course ... FUCK the french !!!


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Just A Reminder !!!

Welcome to the Lair !!! Today's words are for all the yankees fans. As everyone sits and says the Mets had the worst collapse of all time,let us not forget the 04 yankees. I do believe they were up 3 -0 in the series and choked harder than a porn star getting deep throated !!! So maybe we should back off the Mets a little !!! I think blowing a 3-0 series lead is much worse than what the Mets did !!! So on that note fuck the ney-sayers and of course Fuck the french !!! Later !!!