Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Bronx

Welcome to this Bronx edition of the Demon's Lair !!! For those of you who have never been to E205 street, let me tell you it is very interesting. Allow me to enlighten you with a story. Picture me, that's right me, walking around E205 street by myself looking for the Bronx HS of Science. Now picture everyone else in that neighborhood looking at me walking around looking for the school as well. There were a few friendlys,however there were also a few not so friendlys. More the not so than so. After finally finding the HS and discovering all entrances were closed except a hidden one that I luckly found, I met with the gentlemen installing our lockers. Quickly doing a walkthrough and making what notes I had to, I was non-hesitant to get back on the D train and back to Manhattan. I sit now safely at my desk writing this and telling you ,you can keep the Bronx and everything about it.

Be careful leaving the Lair !!! You may end up in the Bronx !!!




Nice Guy Eddie said...

vacations over time to write a new blog...

PoppaSquat said...

That's nothing, I used to go to work on 149th and 3rd. Nothing beats KFC with bulletproof glass for lunch.

Nice Guy Eddie said...

really, its time to write a new blog...

Historelli said...

Did this lair run out of demons?


Plenty of Demons in here !!!!