Welcome back to the Lair !!! For those of you which may not have seen these yet, this is a picture of the new street compasses. Yes that's right another thing for idiots who can't read or speak english to get confused over. Allow me to fill you in. This is a painted on sticker the size of a manhole cover which is placed directly outside of subway exits throughout Manhattan. It is supposed to help people find their way to which they want to go. Telling you which direction surrounding streets are in. Although it seems like a good concept,the brain-dead stupid fucker didn't think about people coming to a complete stop at the top of the stairs at subway exits. Now instead of clueless idiots looking up and lost,they look down and ,lost... This now gives other confused morons a chance to stop in the middle of the sidewalk to look at this thing. This still does not help because the fucking foreigners still can't read english !!! So now after standing there causing pedestrian traffic these dumb fucks still ask someone where to go or what direction 6th ave is.... Fuck man !!!! nobody thinks these things through !!! I love this city and I know the people of decision are trying to make it easier for others,but why not make things easier for us Home Towners instead ??? You are talking about helping out people who sit and watch the Michael Jackson look alike for 20 minutes who have nothing better to do except get in everyone else's way who have things to do. This thing just spells out bad news and more traffic and hassle for those of us who like to be on the move all the time. I tell you this If they don't know where they are going maybe they shouldn't be here to begin with ........ So with that, grab you best tourist beating stick and follow me to the nearest sidewalk compass and let the beatings begin !!!
Enjoy your day !!!
I agree, dumb ass fuckers!!!! you know the kinda people who put pizza in the oven and pass out.... or the ones who hang a meatball over the plate on a 3-4 bases loaded pitch....how bout the ones who bet all their money on the STEELERS..........
hey fuck the fat people....
and now if these people who can't read the compass on the street get in your way poke them in the ass with your umbrella then when they look at you all annoyed just up at the sky dumbfounded and ask them which way is TIMES SQUARE.
This is great when standing on 42nd st between Broadway and 7th it really confuses the shit out of them.
dumb french fuckers....
ps: as you can see i'm bored at work.....
I actually think these compasses are a great idea if they were on the outer area of he sidewalks as to keep the flow of human traffic going.
P.S. If I had a blog page, TODAY it would read - "F the Red Sox" as well as your favorite people - The French. Yes, I'm a bitter Yankee fan.
if you are so bored at work why haven't you written anything new assbag ??? and "G" the whole point is that it doesn't matter where you put them these idiots still can't read them !!! They don't know the language !!!
I do understand your point Frank but how can these people not read a compass in America - it's a MUST learn in like 3rd grade and before coming to America all should KNOW - it's simple - N -North, S -South, E -East and W -West - follow the arrows. Chinese, French, African, American - whatever - the compass is an international symbol of travel for all. I think the point is - GO THE F BACK HOME - lol!
I agree !!!
I love the fact that you work in Manhattan. We have so much to relate to. I walk about 10 minutes from WTC Path to Broad Street at the ferry. Can I tell you how many people I just walk into because they stop in the middle of the sidewalk? Assholes climbing the stairs playing with ipods or cellphones???? Can these people move the fuck over????
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