Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Close Call !!!

Hello everyone and welcome to the Lair !!! We had a close call in Lyndhurst last night. After I returned home from darts, I decided to make a slice of pizza in the toaster oven. As my drunk ass ate the first piece I put another slice in the oven only to pass out while it was cooking. When I awoke to what I thought was my alarm clock, I noticed this black smoke throughout the apartment. Yes the pizza was burning and smoking and the alarm was the fire alarm. Now I am still banged up and trying to get the battery out of the alarm. Tripping over the cats at first until they cowarded in the corner. I finally got the battery out and was able to clear most of the smoke away. The moral of the story is : Don't put food in the toaster oven if you are hammered and gonna pass out !!! Especially if it is cheese !!!
Stay dry today. Watch for umbrellas !!! And Fuck the french !!! And Fuck anonymous !!!



Nice Guy Eddie said...

I thought I was a dumb fuck....

you dumb fuck...

hope you left your windows open today or its gonna stink in there.

Anonymous said...

Enough of this passsing out after drinking Mr. You better be careful. We need you around cause nobody else will FUCK THE FRENCH!!!

If your apt smells tonight you can hang out by me :)


It didn't smell too bad not funny at the time but pretty funny over all... the saddest thing about it is that I really wanted the slice of pizza ....