Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lets' Go METS !!!!!!

Ok everyone,we really need this one !!!!!!
Welcome to this special evening edition of the Demon's Lair !!!
This is a dire case of the WAKE THE FUCK UP !!! time. This team, though at times struggled, has managed to stay in 1st place all season. It would be a real screw driver in the temple,if they lose their way out of a playoff spot... Therefore this is my special : Hey Guys Let's Go!!!! Come'on man we're still behind you guys !!! Now you have to play like we know you can !!! Come'on guys support the cause !!! Let's Go Mets !!!!! Let's go Mets !!!!!! Let's go Mets !!!! Thank you to all who give your support ... Later !!!

P. S. If anyone actually knows a Mets player, please call and ask him to read this on your way out of the Lair !!!


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