Welcome to a softer side of the Lair today !!! As I was fortunate enough to go to the Women In Need Foundation on E New York Ave. in Brooklyn this morning,my eyes were open to an extremely rough situation. Most of these women are single mothers who, for some reason or other, have nowhere else to turn. This place provides them shelter and care for their children to help them get back on their feet. After seeing this first hand I can tell you this is why we must have screenings for having children. As I have stated many time in the past,not everyone is supposed to have kids. In fact,most people shouldn't have kids. They can't even take care of themselves. Now the government is forced to open places like this and suck up money that could be used for something better. Those kids would be better off dead than living in an environment like that. Trust me I saw the staff members that work there too. Will someone please come foward and solve this issue ??? To all the liberals out there don't give me any shit about freedoms of this and that. Fuck ALL That !!! That is how we ended up in all this trouble anyway. Fuck !!! Am I really the only one who feels this way ??? Come'on man you've got to be kidding me !!! Of course,we can always Fuck the french !!!! Those cock suckers would be goose-steppin if it not for us !!!! We should go over there and put some sheetrock up on that stupid eiffle tower and finish the job...Fuckng french mother fuckers !!! I wish they would just go away !!!For good !!! And they can take their muslim ways with them, fucking frenchie fuckbags !!! Speaking of muslims Fuck them TOO !!! Every day I go downtown I get reminded of the right wing muslims. Fucking towel-head sons of bitches !!! Yeah,they kill in the name of god... Not my God !!! He pushes us to love not kill !!! So let's review what we've learned today : Fuck the crack heads who want kids. Fuck the muslims who want to kill us. And as always FUCK the french !!!!!! Just because !!!
And just for fun,you can all go fuck yourselves as you leave the Lair !!!
1 comment:
Monsieur Frankie...
If you want to fuck the french, you need only to ask
we we
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