Monday, September 24, 2007

Hello People !!!!!!!

This is just to see if anyone still reads this thing !!! or am I just wasting my time and breath !!! I will put you in my chair if you don't read !!!



Anonymous said...

frankie I read your blog and I find it very entertaing but you will have to get a bigger chair if you want to fry me ps fuck the redsox fuck the redskins fuck the cowboys fuck the jets and fuck the overrated chargers hey L.T.if you want a change we have #21 open, and last but not least fuck Ahmadinejad and Columbia which is a whole other story have fun liberal assholes listen to that Hitler speak nice .


Thank you but you forgot to say fuck the french !!! that is very important !!!

Historelli said...

You guys do a lot of fucking... I hope you are wearing protection, especially with the French


I always wear protection !!!

cd... said...

Hey Frankie I read your blog every morning when I get to work. I love it. Keep it up...its good for a giggle or two in the a.m. when I'm dreading the length of my work day.

cd... said...

Ooooops! I forgot....Fuck the french...LOL

Nice Guy Eddie said...

always reading, need to keep track of whos fucking who. so that being said, fuck you, and you, and you, and oh yeah you too frenchie.

cd... said...