Friday, September 28, 2007

You've Got to be Kidding !!!

Alright people right to buisness ... This team has too much talent to be in this situation !!! As a loyal Mets fan my whole life I am used to some disappointment. Even the years they played well 99,00 they were never a dominent force. Yeah we found our way into post season play but of course no championship. Then came last year. Clearly the best team in the National league early on, this continued all season. Right up until the heart wrenching game 7 of the NLCS. After officially getting over that,this season began. It was good,but different. This years team is not nearly as good as last years team. Still after staying in first all season, now we have to back our way in,if we get there at all. I know " Ya Gotta Believe " but it is getting real hard to do so. I know this team can play better and I hope it starts tonight. NO MORE FUCKING AROUND !!! This is now truely do or die !!! I don't know what Willie can do or say to rectify the situation,but the players still have to go out there and play !!! So once again I beg and plead please, LET'S GO METS !!! LET'S GO METS !!! LET'S GO METS !!! We need this weekend badly !!!

Just a friendly reminder, take Tom Brady and the Pats this weekend no matter what the spread . and Fuck the french !!!



cd... said...

Now that is a good bet my man! GO PATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice Guy Eddie said...

OH god here we go again, the ex-Greenbay fan rooting for the Pats, lol... I agree we need this weekend LETS GO METS!!!(ok ok i hear whats coming next the ex-yankee fan rooting for the mets, blah, blah...) Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Dimples - I'll root for your Mets this weekend even though I'm a Yankee fan and happy enough to have gotten in after the horrible beginning and middle we had. But the Yanks are the come back kids - 13 consec years in the playoffs. I do hope the Mets get in too though after the year they had up until recently. It would suck if they didn't and anyway - I love ya Druky Tots. We need you SMILIN always! Good luck. See ya lata.


In English please !!!

Historelli said...

I think he's saying that Willie Randolph can't coach his way out of cardboard box!

T. White said...

Historelli and I are out here in Philly at an NL East victory party... get back to you tomorrow

Damn that Jimmy Rollins is good. He's like Reyes, except good.